Levine Scholars Blog
From what I remember being a senior in high school attending Finalists’ Weekend, the part of the Levine Scholarship that the (interviewing high school seniors) students were least focused on was the civic engagement grant.

Harris Teeter. Cookout. Bojangles. Before coming to Charlotte, I had never heard of such fine establishments.

Early in my freshman year, a mass email fat with opportunity plopped into my inbox. UNC Charlotte’s psychology department was advertising a summer internship researching cognition – in dolphins! I preemptively opened the application knowing that in the not-so-distant future I would be pursuing a pre-professional internship through the Levine Scholars Program.

We saw a bear twice. We forgot how to use our phones. It was magical and absolutely unforgettable.

“Mom? Dad? I’m going to Shanghai, China for a month this summer.”

Nothing is better than seeing people’s reactions when I tell them that yes, I am a Levine Scholar but yes, I am also a dance major.

On March 5th, 2017, nine Levine Scholars from the Classes of 2019 and 2020 departed Charlotte, NC on their way to Lewisburg, West Virginia for the program’s first-ever Alternative Spring Break trip. Accompanied by the LSP Director, Dr. Zablotsky, the LSP Scholar Coordinator, Billy Roosenberg, and an integral LSP consultant, Richard Smith, the 12 members […]

On Saturday, January 21, 2017, I took to the streets of Washington, D.C. with anywhere between five hundred thousand and one million marchers as part of the Women’s March on Washington.
This year’s finalist weekend was a success. Being a freshman, seeing the other side of the program was beneficial to me, as I was able to witness the logistics that went into the production as a whole, and gave clarity to some of the questions that I filed away last year.
‘Twas the week before finals, when all through the school, Not a student was stirring, not even the frat boys who think they’re so cool. The papers were written with the finest of care, In hopes that we would avoid that final semester scare. The students were snuggled ‘neath blankets of wool Filled to the […]

It’s Friday, November 4th. 6:58 pm. UNC Charlotte students and their friends from Levine Children’s Hospital are lined up side by side, decked out in beads, tu-tus and other festive attire to represent their color group, preparing to dash up the steps of the Popp Martin Student Union to kick off one of the most exciting events of the year: Dance Marathon.

Over the course of the last four years, UNC Charlotte has become my home away from home. The Levine Scholars Program has provided me with a support system resembling a family, with fellow scholars becoming more like siblings than classmates, and faculty members looking out for me both in and out of the classroom.